Dream Dictionary

This dictionary is a compilation of dream symbols that gives general meanings to common occurring dream symbols. All terms have been compiled and deciphered through dream analyses and dream research.
To correctly analyze a dream each meaning is refined by the situations occurring in the dream and in one’s immediate life. Also, the colors, tones, and symbols (archetypes) which are recognized also play into the actual meaning of the dream. Further in depth understanding comes from the individual’s frequency and the frequency of the dream itself.
Although this dictionary is a comprehensive expose on many terms and symbols, it cannot and does not list every possible symbol and what the concrete full definitions are. This is universally impossible because the possibilities that occur in the dream state are infinite. Each definition is given to help shine light on a particular frequency and allow one to go deeper into the symbolic meaning behind their dreams.
Since waking life, itself is a dream, the meaning of these symbols still play into waking life and this is as infinite and vast as the dream world. Pay close attention to how your dreams reflect your outer world and how your outer world is reflected during your dreams. Notice common similarities, reoccurring events and experiences in both areas of your life.
The average human sleeps about 8 hours a night. That is a lot of your life which goes unnoticed and is rarely ever paid attention to. In fact, dreams are the most important part of your life and help you understand yourself at a deeper level. They can help you learn things about yourself, guide you, and open you up to a higher intelligence which is always with you.
To begin doing dream work it is important to have a notebook and a pen/pencil beside your bed. Leave the notebook open to a blank page every night. Affirm before going to bed that you WILL remember and write down your dreams. Upon waking, write down your dreams and date it. If they are not too detailed, right down what you can remember, even if it is one thing. It all matters. The more you do the work the stronger your recall will become.
Dream work is a vital practice in ones spiritual path and opens you up to other dimensions which lay just beyond the physical. Dreams are the gateway to your higher self and allow you to advance not only your physical life in a positive way but also your spiritual and mental parts of you, expanding your awareness and “psychic” abilities.
Bedtime affirmations –
“I remember my dreams in vivid detail”
“I allow myself to remember and record my dreams”
“I am aware of my dreams and I am Aware when I am dreaming”
It is beneficial to say these throughout the day, write them down, or repeat them in your head. Create your own affirmations to help reprogram your mind into remembering your dreams and being aware of when you’re dreaming.
May your inner light shine brightly and show you the hidden worlds of your soul
accident - pay closer attention to something; a potential problem; slow down; out of control
actor/actress/acting - your personality; the "act" you put on; self-expression; the role you play; anxiety about a real situation
airplane - raising consciousness; path you are traveling
alcohol - Altered state of reality; altering one’s state of being
alien - aspect of yourself you are not familiar; possible experience in the astral realms; being which is unknown to you; unfamiliar
alien abduction - feeling of being over analyzed and belittled; feeling of being taken advantage of; possible experience or an actual memory
alley/alleyway - dangerous choices and life paths; rethink direction in life
alligator – danger; reptilian genetics activating; submerging in fear and anger
ambulance - needing help for the physical body; Emergency; needing healing of the physical.
amputation - loss in life, feeling not whole, needing to take care of that area, helplessness, separating yourself
anchor - staying in one spot, tied down, stability (more or lack of), desire to settle down or the need to settle down. grounding.
angel - the light of truth, wisdom, guidance, a coming of birth or death (literally or figuratively, could be the death of physical or mental attributes), higher guidance from Angelic Hierarchy
animal - instincts, “guides"
ankh - protection, if gold it means creating a pathway to a brain frequency, genetics; what color?
apple - temptation, negative connotation, what color, wholeness, knowledge, wisdom
archway - yearnings, desires, sexual desires, pathway to desires
arm - what you can gather in life, right arm = male energies, spiritual ideas, left arm = female energy, egoism and earthly desires. Strength
armor - needing to be protected, rigid barriers, rigidity in accepting energy, self-defense, the armor of the lord, over protected.
art/artist - right brain personality, what you are creating in life, creative energies, your dream and life landscape.
auditorium - displaying your ideas, presenting ideas, releasing thoughts in the open
back - treachery (watch your back)
backwards - losing ground
bait - lure
ball - wholeness, well rounded approach, childhood games, completeness, competitiveness
balloon - celebrating something; freeing releasing of feelings or creativeness.
band - committed team player.
bank - need safekeeping; solidarity; stability; security
baptism - spiritual renewal
barrier - obstacle
base - control, manipulation over you
basement - base of your mind patter, base programming
bath - cleansing, freeing of old ideas, cleansing and strengthening the outer-self, letting go of opinions or prejudices.
bathroom - need to release experience, a place for releasing the past, emotions, negativity, anger, cleansing
bear - destructive, Playful, grumpy, over protectiveness, retreating, needing to sleep/hibernate
beaver - building barriers (emotional); busy;
bed/bedroom - relationship; sex/marriage; rest/sleep; Unconsciousness, altered state
bedroom (fathers, old) - spiritual ideas not used
bees - diligence; hard work; organization; busy; flitting flower to flower; drone; sting
beheading - traumatic memories of bad judgment; alienation of feelings
birds - aloft; ungrounded; messenger of the divine; soul; Spiritual knowledge, telepathy, higher self, freedom from material ties
birth - new idea; new stage; reborn
black vehicle - secret movement, secret path, secret forces, hiding something on your path
blindness/blindfolded - lack of awareness; wish not to know; carry out an execution; executed
blockage - repressed expression; depleted energy flow; cannot fulfill task
blood - fertility; vitality; life force; emotional; vital force, strength, joy of life
boar - depreciate; bored of others/self
boat - voyage in life; A trip; message about spiritual truth to be carried; Adventure; way you carry emotions; opportunity
body - state of health
bomb - explosive situation
bone - death; state of reduction or deprivation; structure
book - knowledge or wisdom; stage of life; knowledge from Oversoul
boss - over involvement of work; parental figure
bottleneck - squeezing through a situation
box - womb/vagina; the experience of the situation; danger; that which holds or protects, conditions in your life / surrounding your life
bread - sustaining life force, possibilities, that which is learned in life, money, "raising"
breasts - indicate sex or sexual desire; nurturing; feeling of exposure
bricks - words or deeds that need building, structure of your thoughts, foundation
bride/bride & groom - purity or innocence; anima or animus, partnership
bridge - literal travel; transition; subconscious; emotions; link between something separate
broken/break-in - poverty; forced entry; fundamental damage; emotional abandonment; opening.
brother - brotherhood; fellowship; alliance
bubble - womb; merriment; disenchantment,
buddha - desire of blessings; wisdom; insight; compassion
building - stage for other dreams; institution; business; represent self; rising or falling in status or awareness
bull - bullheaded about a situation; clumsy; optimistic, stubbornness, sexual appetite, hardheadedness, blocking information
bullet - negative thoughts or emotions that are being sent to you, hurtful thoughts
bulls-eye - attuning to one’s ideals and goals, being on the mark of your wants, making your target in a path of life
burial - bidding farewell to old conditions or relationships
burglar - warning of someone taking advantage of you, negative attitude, or emotion, stealing one’s energy and vitality, guilt, desire to steal from someone (literally or metaphorically)
bus - stage for other dreams; collective action; amongst crowd of same patterns / mind patterns
butterfly - transformation; beauty; pollination
buttons - clothing; outer self; persona
cabbage - state of vegetable determines if a good or bad portent. if rotting- old stagnating conditions. Fresh- cleanser; healing agent
cafeteria - ideas needing digesting; "food for thought"; too much; fed up; fight response to something threatening to eat you; something eating you up
cage - cooped up, confining.
cakes - time for rejoicing; celebrate.
cancer - hopelessness; consuming emotional/physical resources for too long
candles - protection from unseen; guidance from unknown; purpose; cause; passing of a problem
candy - one’s own physical satisfaction, self-indulgence, improper eating, needing more sweetness in life, a luxury
cane - support, providing assistance, discipline, male sexual organ
cannibalism - insatiably lust to own; possess another; eaten alive; worst form of something forbidden
cap - completion; job well done; mission accomplished
captain -the one in charge (you? others?), higher-self, intellect, source of guidance, authority, power
car - self, self-control issues; in control of ones life; not in control; riding along; taking backseat; driven to new heights; lifting out of a rut; the way you move through life, physical body, ethereal body, ambitions,
carpet -Being walked on, hiding or covering up something, softness/comfort, submissive state
carrot - good heath for eyes; lure; associate with rabbits
castle - reward; honor bestowed; recognition; praise; fort; security
castration - repulsion to sexual expression; fear of losing oneself in sexual act; deep guilt; fear of growing up/old; feeling of emasculation and impotence
cat - independence; power; animal self; feminine; prosperity; sexuality; "sleek"; "cunning"; evil; bad luck; mean/ malicious remarks, gossipy
cave - place to hide/escape; refuge; emergence of self; womb; child-bearing; new life; contemplation; creativity
cellar - subconscious mind; one’s past
cemetery - sadness; unresolved grief; dead past
chains - union; marriage; missing link; events for chain reaction; bound, link
chair - rest; reflect; contemplate; take advice; hot seat
chase - running from situation; fear of something; chasing a difficult goal,
cherry - associate with truth; sweetness; good fortune
chewing Gum - Something that needs to be chewed upon as in a message or lesson to be able to understand
children / child -returning to less complicated state; regression; longing for the past; second chance; creative idea that needs supporting.
chimney - reward for being good; warmth and cheer of family.
chocolate - the need to be rewarded; thoughts of special treatment; indulging in too many excesses; need to apply restraint
church - prayers being answered; inner need for spiritual atonement/nourishment
circle - oneness; wholeness; protection from evil; bringing attention to; frustrations; being in; slave; relationship; bound
city - crime; gangs; brutality, entertainment.
class - learning life lessons; authority in matters of life; attending class in inner planes; status; uniqueness.
climbing - struggle; obstacles; overcoming issues; rising
cloak - cover-up; protection; hidden identity; hidden actions
clock - not being on top of things; behind schedule; out of time
closet - hidden; hide; unsavory past; hidden aspects of self; storage;
clothing - ideas; ways; need for change; trying to fit in; your outer appearance you show the world
clouds - anger upcoming; viewpoint cloudy; confusion; lack of clarity; obscure
clover - growth and development, spiritual good luck, spiritual cause of "luck"
club - feeling of aggression; submission; aspire to acquire identity (social, economic, cultural)
coat - thoughts, attitudes, protection from your own emotions or others’ emotions
cocks - alert; time to wake; thankless task; over achievement; aggressive pursuit of power
cockroaches - contamination, hidden undesirable motives.
cocoon - overburdened; longing for relief; restore/recreating new path of expression; new rebirth of self
coffin - physical confinement; restricting of freedom; dead or decaying situation; rebirth
collar - confinement; restraint; completion; controlled; subservient; slave; frustrated work situation; confining relationship
colors - depict energy; see color glossary
column - strength; work; support; organization; holding up burdens, supporting others
compass - guidance, the direction in life, the ability to persist in opposing events
composer - creating or directing in one or more arenas of life.
container - that which is held within the conscious mind, receptivity, female sex organs, inner contents of the soul personality
contamination - fed up, internal conflict.
corn - nourishment; abundance; growth; fertility
correspondence - overdue communication
costume - obscured identity of self/other; conscious or subconscious disguises
couch - needed rest, healing therapy.
court - dealing with fear, guilt; judging, being judged, measuring one’s behavior against universal laws
cow - passive; docile; fertile; nourishment; fulfillment; prosperity; happiness
crab - physical nourishment, tenacious; clinging; indicate something about relationship
curtains - hiding from self or others; behind the scenes
dawn - awakening to new things, healing, a fresh perspective, new approach, a breakthrough in understanding or lessons.
death / dying - birth of new thought, trials and tribulations which provide lessons, loss of characteristics, the need for more attention and love, change, transition
diamond - great truth, eternity of spirit, spiritual consciousness, hardness, something of great value, money gained or lack thereof), being love or needing to be loved, High self-worth
dining table - attention to food and diet, feeding the mind
dirt/dirty - need of cleansing, something needing to be corrected in oneself, fear or dirty attributes, unclean or improper state of mind
diving - jumping into a new experience, jumping head on into problems or possibilities
dog - nature or disposition that may not always be trusted, faithful or unfaithful, an enemy, aggressiveness, instinctive knowledge, obedience
dolphin - trust, joy, high level intelligence, high level message, unlocking inner wisdom, inner senses ie; telepathy
donkey - bearer of a heavy load (emotionally, physically, spiritually, or mentally) an honor, stubbornness, unyielding
door/doorway - entrance to other selves, openings to personal expression, a barrier, death, front door indicates place of meeting which is new and coming into one’s life. locked door represents wanting to avoid unpleasant conditions or information. Blocked knowledge from your conscious mind, opening to knowledge and the subconscious or super conscious mind
dove - understanding, connecting with the divine, the holy spirit, communion, inner peace
dragon - fear, materialism, repressed emotion, reptilian genetics coming to the surface, power, anger (what color?)
drama - acts and phases of one’s own life, your emotional standpoint to situations, how you accept situations
draperies - covering, hiding, adornment, privacy or the desire for privacy
drawer - reviewing ideas, cleaning out of old ideas and thoughts, baggage, how cluttered or full?
dress - new thoughts, new ideas, one’s appearance to others, self-image
drugs - altering your state of consciousness, altering reality, escaping the reality you created
drug store - drugs you are taking, heating, reliance on physical means to stimulate change, wanting to alter your state of consciousness
drum - pulse, rhythms in life, beating of one’s point of view, following your own or others rhythms
duel - confrontations with other people/selves, internal fight, self-criticism, self-condemnation
dummy - warning of getting involved with lower aspects, being controlled by outside influences
dynamite - temper, material force, emotions, fears, explosive tendency
eagle - clear perception, messengers, high information and lessons, power, courage, control
ear - listening to information, listening to guidance, needing to pay attention
earth - mother energy, nurturing, need of grounding back to "earth"
earthquakes - shake up in your life, danger, unstable life path
eating - what you are learning about yourself, may pertain to your diet
edge - the end, end of a cycle, needing to balance, needing to watch out or pay attention to steps on your path
egg - new beginning, protection, nourishment, fragile barriers
elbow - being flexible with others, need more space, extending into the world, which side?
electric/electricity - power, the driving force that energizes a situation
elephant - power, might, heightened knowledge, cunning, sexuality, strength of will, thick skinned, long memory, un-forgetting
elevator - changes, changing frequency (lower or higher), altered states, raising or lowering consciousness
escape / escaping - running away from fear, escaping your reality, not wanting to deal with lessons or what you are learning about yourself, releasing
ex - healing of past relationships, integrating the lesson learned, what you learn about relationships
extra-terrestrial / ET - high level spiritual knowledge, teachers, guides, higher aspect of yourself
explosion - turmoil, change, need of rebuilding yourself or emotions, repressed emotions coming to the surface
eye - outlook on life, being watched, vision of things, intelligence, curiosity, personal identity, all seeing, needing to be on the look out
face - what you present of yourself to the world, how you show your emotions
falling - lack of support, getting caught up in something, fear of not being in control, fear of losing position of prestige, disappointments in life
fat - the barrier of emotions and yourself from the outside world, hoarding, may pertain to diet, need to release emotional weight and be yourself.
father figure - beliefs of god, spiritual ideas, spiritual concepts, needing to connect spiritually
feathers - an achievement, thought or aspiration, plucking feathers mean things that need to be removed for new stability, flying feathers indicate disrupted conditions or emotions, higher guidance gift
feet - the path you are on, how you travel on your path, understanding, grounding
female figure (not mother) - left brain, ego personality, material thoughts, physical desires
fence - confined, limited, undecided, barrier, difficulty with in, protection from outside threat, protection from inner self and emotions
fire - fear, temper, passion, pain, may indicate physical distress, feeling of being reduced to nothing, purifying yourself, needing to purify
fireworks - achievement, celebration, dramatic, outer demonstration of ones inner state
fish - symbol of god mind, Christ, an attainable achievement, a lesson that can be drawn out, something "fishy", something not quite right, feelings of inner life, the way you move through your emotions
flower - hope, spiritual development, growth, beauty, inner self blossoming, love, center of consciousness, virginity
flying - mastering physical laws, overcoming earthly desires, waking up to higher fourth dimensional understanding, may indicate lucid dreaming (often in the astral realms), desire to travel, desire to rise above, wishful thinking, raising your consciousness to new heights
food - nourishing yourself spiritually, what you are learning about yourself, how your mind is being nourished, dietary guidelines
forest - lost, confused, lonely, needing to connect with nature
foundation (of building) - your physical body, plans, ideals, assumptions, stability of your life, structure of your higher aspects
fountain - source of knowledge, attaining knowledge, supply, erupting emotions
fox - slyness, deception, out witted
game - challenges, physical efforts to be made, enjoyment or pleasure, earthly life
garage - need to stop what you are doing, rethink your actions, releasing or storing emotions or thoughts
garden - spiritual and mental growth, what’s growing? Any weeds?, nurturing, new life, healing, clear or cluttered mind pattern.
ghost - movement through non physical realities, possible spirit
giant - foreboding, distress, people or conditions which are oppressive to self, strength without wisdom
girl - left brain personality, ego, physical desires
glass (drinking glass) - how you hold your emotions, may indicate need of more hydration, how full? filled with what?
glasses (for eyes) - enhanced comprehension, clear sight, mind set, something that aids inner vision, needing to see
glow - seeing new ideas, need to pay attention, important, need to be looked at
gold (color) - high level lesson, spiritual information, valuable teaching, Christ healing, truth
golf - physical well being, needing exercise, the game of life
golf ball - person, persons own life, the word of spiritual forces
golf club - the way you go about life, how you handle life, the swing of things
golf course - the course of your life, the world in which we make our way, *pay attention to coloring*, how many wholes?
gorge - troublesome conditions, needing a change of course
graduation - reached higher level of awareness, growth, moving on, achievements, worthiness, satisfaction, learned lessons, pay attention to colors
green (color) - healing, the past
guard - protection, are you the guard?, needing to be protected, feeling of being threatened from outside influences
guitar - need to pay attention to a different frequency, moving in frequencies, higher or lower?, creative ideas
gun - aggressiveness, harshness, defense, if aiming a gun represents focused on target or goal, male sex organ, fear
guru - spiritual teacher, a guide, teacher, higher aspect of self
guy - god mind within, spiritual, right brain personality
gym - need to release, strength, may pertain to the need to exercise, building up
Hair - thoughts, power, physical or spiritual strength, could indicate stress
hammer - power, impact, desire to have impact in life, building
hands - what you grasp in life, what you can hold
hat - protection, nature of your thoughts, what kind of hat?
head - conscious intentions, brain function, expression
headless - losing your head in emotions, inability to reach person through normal mean, detachment
heart - emotions, emotional issue, love, needing to be loved
hermit - isolating yourself, staying inside, introverted, needed to come out of your shelf, hiding
hitchhiking - taking someone else's path, not following your inner guidance, not following your path
home/house - Oversoul, the place of your consciousness, the personality, front of house indicates facade or act you who to the world, your mental state
homeless - feeling disconnected from your Oversoul/higher self, moving away from what feels like home, moving outside of your normal consciousness
horse - messenger, making progress, instincts, the way you are traveling
hose - cleansing, flow of emotions
hospital - physical healing, needing to be healed, fixing a problem in life
hungry - not learning or accepting what your learning about yourself, needed to learn, could indicate poor diet, need to feed desires
ice - lack of feelings, lack of emotions, being frozen emotional, blocked creativity, emotional obstacle, if melting it indicates emotions surfacing or the easing of emotional problems
ignore - not wanting to see an aspect of yourself, not paying attention to your path, what are you ignoring?
indian - nature, teacher, what kind of Indian?
ink - information, what color? words? symbols?
indigestion - what you are absorbing about yourself or learning about yourself, not absorbing the information, irritation, having a hard time digesting what your learning
intruder - self indulgent attitudes, threatening or avoided side of self, if you or someone is breaking into a house it represents breaking a spiritual law
insects - something is bugging you
internet - circulatory system, connection with others, avoiding contact with your true self, needing to pay attention to spiritual unity
invisible - feel unnoticed, you want to disappear, escaping responsibility or lessons, seeking the deeper knowledge
irrigation - needing to cleanse, flushing of energy or emotions
ironing - smoothing out things in your mind pattern, smoothing things out in you physical life, clearing up communication
island - needing solitude, escaping from a problem, stranded between emotions, lost in life, feeling separate or isolated, retreating into yourself
itch - an irritation or frustration, needing to do something, can apply to sexual urges, incompatibility in your mind patterns with someone
ivory - positive, a force of positive connotation
ivy - thought patterns in life
jail - imposing regulations on yourself, feeling locked up, feeling stagnant,
jaw - stubbornness, rigid
jewels / jewelry - healing, impressing others with superficial things, knowledge, spiritual growth, strong mind pattern
job - stuck pathway in life, based on fear, tasks needing to be accomplished, frustration, unfulfilled, self expression
joints - how flexible you are in life
journey - life path, change, the way you travel on your path, needing to realize a goal, spiritual journey
judge / jury - Oversoul reviewing your actions, may feel judged by god based on your decision
jump - need for awareness, impatient, jumping form one thing or another, jumping to conclusions
jungle - out of control mind patterns
junk - need to clean out old thoughts, mental baggage
kangaroo - jumping from one idea to another, need to concentrate, *see kick*
key - unlocking DNA, opening up new mind patterns, unlocking knowledge with in
kick - need for change, what is being kicked?
kidnap - feeling victimized, trapped, carried way by desires, taking advantage of someone, being taken advantage of
kill / killing - expressing ego, destroying a part of yourself, distress, anger, changing something, getting rid of something
king - symbol of god, Oversoul, higher power, high level of attainment
kiss - merging energies
kitchen - spiritual nourishment, could indicate diet, emotional well being, nurturing yourself and others
kite - need to be free, out of control, feeling in the clouds, looking for higher perspective
knee - flexibility in the future, how you are flexible in moving forward in life
knife - aggression, feeling attacked, emotionally injured, at war with self, penetration in the sub-conscious
knitting - healing, what color?, creative aspects
knock / knocking - new arrival, needing to stop doing something, something needs attention, a message
knot - fear, feeling tangle up, needing to release
lace - veil, secrecy, what color?
ladder - DNA sequence, climbing to new heights, higher understanding
ladybug - female figure, bothersome, fortunate circumstances with a female energy
lake - body of emotions
lamb - innocence, purity, sacrificing a part of yourself, giving yourself to others, letting go of stubbornness
lamp - shedding light on a situation
late - missing opportunities, passive aggressive, neglecting responsibility, avoiding commitment, need to learn more, become more involved in life
laugh - ridicule, fear of being laughed at, expressing joy
laying down - giving up, submitting
leak - wasted energy, giving yourself too much to others, repressed emotions are coming to the surface, giving ideas away, new insights are coming into you conscious mind
leaves - life, growth, easily separated from your origin
left - the wrong way in your path, need to work on ego, physical desires
legs - how you move forward in life, take initiative
letter - new opportunity, communication, receiving guidance
library - storage of knowledge, Akashic records, information
light - lessons of great truth, knowledge, directing force, shedding light on something, conscious intention
lightning - activation, opening to awareness, something being pointed out, a warning
lion - strength, power, large awareness, leading spiritually, wanting to control others, great influence
lips - the words you use, how you express yourself through words
lipstick - masking your words, what color?
liquor - blurring consciousness, literally about drinking habits, dissolved inhibitions, dissolved reality, escaping reality
lizard - survival needs, reptilian genetics
lots of people - personality aspects, other personalities in your Oversoul
love - unconditional acceptance, needing to experience more of, deep longing
luggage - how you carry yourself, your thoughts and mind pattern, holding on to parts of yourself, storing ideas
lungs - ability to breath in life, needing cleansing or clearing
lying - not being true to yourself, deceitful, ignoring the truth
machine / machinery - unwilling to be different, rigid, stubborn, methodical
mall - choices in life
magic - falsely manifesting something, feeling manipulated, fooling yourself
magnet - attraction, energy attraction, what are you attracting?
mail carrier - messenger, receiving a message
male figure (not father) - right brain, creativity, emotions, spiritual
map - brain, DNA, mind pattern / thought patterns, location of journey, needing to travel, map of what?
market - needing physical support, possibilities
marriage - joining of energies, merging left and right brain
mask - hiding yourself, false image, not showing true self
maze - lost, confusion, blocked progress, fixed beliefs in your mind pattern, lack of faith
meat - density
medicine - needing to heal, correcting a mind pattern
mermaid - physical emotions, egoistic emotions, facing temptations
merry go round - going around in circles, not moving forward in life, needing to learn something before moving forward, cycles of life, time (not linear)
metal - rigid beliefs, being hard on self
middle - balancing, needing to find which way to go
milk - deep nourishment, nurturing instincts, faith
mine - penetrating a core issue, looking for secrets, bringing issues to the surface
mirror - the negative side of you, what you reflect outwards, the inner self
mold - negative side of your emotions growing, festering emotions
monastery - right brain thinking, retaining spiritual thoughts, spiritual home
money - self worth
moon - cycles of growth, feminine energy, pull on your emotions, new beginnings, astral energy
morning - a new beginning, new growth, new chances
motel - temporary condition of your mind patterns, what condition?
mother figure - the earth, earth plane, earthly life , nurturing in your life, left brain, ego ides of self
mouth - absorbing information, the way you say things, what is coming out of your mouth?
mountain - an obstacle in your way, something that needs to be overcome, raising levels of awareness
movie - reviewing your own life, who or what are the characters?
mouse - problems being invasive, annoyance, small problems
mud - being stuck, slowed down in your progress, needing cleansing
museum - records of your past, DNA information, unlocking old knowledge
music - listening to a frequency, needing to pay attention to a frequency
mystery - unknown knowledge, locked mind pattern
nail - nails on fingers or toes represents protecting yourself, if hammering nails it represents connecting pieces, things you are hung up on, what are you nailing?
naked - exposing the truth about yourself, vulnerability, unprepared, carefree self expression, focusing on your innocence
navel - self absorbed, codependency, need to focus on truth
neck - your flexibility with new things, needing to speak up or how you communicate to others and yourself, if stiff may represent stubbornness
needle - piercing a problem, getting to a point
net - being caught up in confusion, feeling limited
newspaper - upcoming news and events in your life, feeling of people knowing too much about you, precognitive information and knowledge
night - not seeing things with understanding, need to bring more light to a situation or problem, how you are seeing the world, dark and unaware
noodle - powerlessness, weak and limp in your well being
north - clear guidance, attuning to ancient wisdom, raising yourself up
nose - recognition of what is in front of you, what you are sensing right in front of you
numbers - archetypal qualities, spiritual knowledge
nurse - healing, earth energy, need healing of ego
nut - seed that can grow into big new ideas, needing to open up to new ideas and thoughts
oar - assistance in life, treading through emotions
ocean - deep emotions, also see water
octopus - part of many things, numerically symbolizes 8 (see numerology section),
odor - negativity in thought and mind patterns
office - what you do in life, how you work in your life situation, life functions
orgasm - need to release creative energy, be creative, focus on a creative outlet
oil - easiness in life process, if clogged oil it represents needing clearing to further your life process and make an easier energy flow
old - hanging on to ideas that are no longer needed, old thoughts and mind patterns
old lady - ego thinking, left brain, old thoughts that play into your ego
old man - spiritual thinking, represents a old teacher, wise, right brain
olive - healing information, peaceful, what color olive?
onion - personal growth process, the layers of yourself, growing in stages, may indicate a need to cry and release emotions.
opal - ideas that need improving and expanding
open - unlocking certain aspects of yourself, what are you opening? open door represents a vortex of new probabilities, a new pathway
orange - pertains to second chakra, sexual energy, what color orange? fruit or just the color? May represent the truth.
oriental - deep spiritual understanding and philosophy, if a person a spiritual teacher
orphan - spiritual and physical unhappiness, feeling abandoned
ostrich - needing to face reality, feelings of not fitting in, caught in delusions, not acting holy, be more practical
otter - treading through emotions, becoming at home with your emotions
ovaries - ideas that are not yet time to be created and set in motion
oven - processing ideas and information, heating up a situation
owl - hidden wisdom, all knowing, may represent alien intervention
oyster - a treasure, hidden spiritual knowledge
pain - experiences that are difficult, can link to real pain if so where?, pay attention to certain area of the body
painting - reorganizing energetic structure, where and what? Creating yourself, the visions you hold about life
pail - feeling limited in what you receive, what is the pale holding? What color?
palace - Oversoul symbol, a spiritual home
pan - swallowing thinking, feeling you can not contain a lot of information, what is in the pan?
panic - unbalanced, feeling uncertain in a reaction or direction life, needing to calm yourself and look at aspects of your life
pants - changing ones thoughts on life, leadership
paper - what is written on the paper? Information, temporary information and knowledge
parade - aspects of your personality, reviewing yourself, what’s in the parade?
parachute - coming down to earth, needing to face reality, letting go, protection
parents - assistance, protection, left and right brain
party - what kind of party? aspects of yourself, a celebration, social life
peace - calmness, no fear, removing fear, becoming whole
pearl - important idea, luck
perfume - emotional reactions, expression. Covering up attributes of yourself, psychic influence
phallus / phallic symbols - power, need of sexuality, mind of god strength, creativity.
phoenix - raising above a situation, great change
pier - balancing through emotional changes
pie - material benefits, manifestation, what kind of pie? May refer to diet
pig - sexual desires, dirtiness, stubbornness, need of cleansing
pin - holding onto personality aspect (also see needle)
pirate - low self respect, robbing yourself, not looking at things clearly
plant - new ideas of growth, oxygen, cleansing
plate - your current dealings and situations, what is on the plate?
pocket - memory, inner reserves, being receptive, keeping something to yourself
poison - dangerous condition in your life, toxicity in your thoughts, toxic relations, negative emotions you avoid
police - control and authority issues, breaking rules, need to look at your alignment with universal laws, guidance and directing.
pregnant / pregnancy - creative ideas coming to the surface, may indicate real pregnancy, new things coming into your life
president - dominant personality aspect, control
priest - teacher, spiritual information
prison - feeling locked up, stagnant, needing to escape the hold on you, limited thinking
prophet - higher self, high spiritual teacher
pulling - raising yourself up, strong attraction and influence
pulpit - teaching, spiritual healing
purple - a crowning moment
pyramid - great knowledge, healing, esoteric knowledge, high energy, deep insight
quicksand - drained energy, feeling stuck, feeling trapped and cannot get out, internal struggle, materialism
quarter - a portion of physical reality, also see money
quartz - need to store energy, clearing of energy, power, what color?
queen - left brain, ego thoughts, powerful materialistic urges and wants
rabbit - scared, fertility, sexuality, self expression
rabbit hole - deep inner pathways of your being
racoon - stealing, theft, deception, sneaky
race - getting ahead of others, getting a head of yourself
radio - frequencies that need to be paid attention too, frequencies that need to be tuned
rag - need new methods of cleansing, clean or dirty? Washing away negativity
rat - feeling bothered, annoyance, something gnawing at you,
rain - cleansing, sadness, depression, peaceful, in what context?
rainbow - new beginning, end of turmoil, healing, any color prominent?
rape - feeling taken advantage of, no privacy, feeling of being drained of energy, by whom?
refrigerator - hording, the things you ingest, what is in it? May pertain to diet issues
renovation - creating new structures in life, reinventing yourself, change, new
rental - temporary location on your path
resort - enjoying your life situation
river - your emotional flow
road - the path you follow in life, is it bumpy? curvy?
rocks - difficulties, strength, stability, troublesome conditions
roof - the structure that is over you, security, protection, higher thoughts
rope - what your are holding on too, connection, security
rose - blooming knowledge, unfolding
running - not confronting a problem, what are you running from? feeling the need to run away
sacrifice - giving up something in your life, giving up a part of yourself
sail - going with the flow, going with your emotions
saint - a teacher, spiritual guidance
sand - grounding, balancing, passing time
satin - comfortable or content emotional state
scale - balance, may refer to diet, what numbers if any?
scar - holding onto past hurts, feeling hurt, needing to heal, where is it?
scarf - hiding behind what you say, what color? Covering up past words, needing to open up to conversation
school - teachings, things you are learning, higher learning, unresolved issues from your school life
scientist - altering, trying to figure out reality and yourself, altering the way you view others and yourself
scissors - desire to cut loose, feeling cut off, feeling apart from yourself, hostility
scorpion - danger, bitterness, hurtful remarks that have hurt you
seed - new growth, things to be manifested, an idea, new beginnings
sell - releasing old baggage, releasing old mind patterns, getting rid of unneeded energy, what are you selling?
servant - see slave
sex - merging of energies, combining left and right brain (depending on gender), feeling of creativity, need to be creative, sex with whom?
shack - low state of mind, out of balance, feeling of low self worth
shadow - a hidden aspect of yourself
shark - aggression, deep fears, deep emotional fears
shell - protection, self preservation, needing to come out of your shell, need to show yourself
shepard - leading in a situation, nurturance, symbol of Christ
shirt - what you show to the world, what color? Projected thoughts to others
shoes - how you stand in your foundation and grounding, basic principles, the role you play in life
skin - the way you protect yourself, what you show the world and others
skunk - bad feelings, constant lingering feelings of uneasiness
slave - submissive, subservient to others, lacking control of yourself, feeling controlled
snakes - deception, Kundalini, wisdom, reptilian DNA aspects of yourself, sneakiness
snow - cleansing or need of cleansing, how much snow?
soap - need to cleanse yourself
soup - digesting and taking in all life has to offer, assimilation
spear - piercing through blockages
spice - adding to the energy of your life, changing things up
spider - feeling of being caught, entrapping, deception, lies
spiral - vortex, what color? where?
sponge - soaking up your emotions, absorbing life experiences, wet or dry? color?
spoon - how much you can take in your life, may pertain to diet
squash - ending a learning process
staircase - revealing DNA information and knowledge
stage - showing your true self to others, making things public, development, desire for more attention
statue - a part of yourself that has no life, unresponsive
steel - making yourself stronger, building a stronger support, protection
sting - pain that is causing irritation, activating a painful experience
stomach - what you are digesting about yourself
stone - heavy thoughts, feeling weighed down, obstacle
store/supermarket - the choices in life that you are making, different paths, things you desire in life
string - fooling someone, leading someone or yourself on
stripes - level of achievement, what color? feeling trapped, variety
study - assimilating things you are learning, taking on new knowledge and new concepts
suitcase - the baggage you carry in your life
sun - Oversoul symbol, spiritual force, knowledge, life and energy, Christ, masculine, intellect
sunburn - exposure to god mind, wanting to connect with source
surgeon - changing aspects of your life, removing mind patterns
swan - peace, serenity, symbol of the soul
swim - how you cope with your emotions, sexuality
sword - the spirit, male sex organ, power and authority, strength of character, protection, discernment
tail - trying to maintain balance
tattoo - symbol of permanent mind pattern, energetic imprint, what part of body? what image?
taxi - guiding on your journey
teacher - higher self, guide, spiritual teacher
telephone - connecting to a frequency
telephone call - receiving information from a frequency
telescope - perceiving information, seeing the future, clearer insight, making something big out of something small
temple - understanding spiritual ideas, past life memory, past incarnation surfacing, the physical body
temptation - ego based, earth plane, left brain
tent - protection of your belief system
test - reviewing what you learned
thermometer - measurements or judgments being made in the physical, measurement of emotional state
tin - ideas that lack strength
tire - support system, support on your path, are they flat?
tongue - expressing yourself, the way you say things
tooth - the adjustment to life situations
traffic - feeling crowed or jammed on your path
train ride - DNA information that is being revealed to you, DNA review, journey in life
trip - change, needing change, journey through life, ones destiny
tree - your family, growth, knowledge
trumpet - acknowledging an achievement, arrival of new things
tulip - new chances, wanting to start over, feeling new and revised
tunnel - hiding, trying to find your true self
turban - psychic powers, mystery
turtle - making slow progress, strength, longevity, introverted
twilight - upcoming end of a cycle or experience
UFO - high level information, spiritual knowledge, higher consciousness
umbrella - protection
umpire - how you judge yourself and others
underwear - revealing yourself, revealing aspects of yourself you kept private, what color?
unicorn - higher level spiritual message, a specific message to be understood
uniform - conformity, authority, subservient, what you show the world, masking you true self
universe - symbol of god, all things, all possibilities, totality
urinating - relieving yourself of pent up emotions, getting rid of anger and aggression
vacancy - emptiness in your life
vacation - breaking from your routine, needing a break
vacuum - need to clean up mind patterns
valley - a low point in life
vampire - feeling drained of energy, draining of energy, negative entity
van - bringing past issues and people with you in life
vehicle - how you go along your path
vein - the flow of joy in your life
vegetable - low level thinking, needing grounding, feeling unwanted
ventriloquist - letting others speak for you, not being in control, giving your power away to others
victim - feelings of low self esteem, self analyzing, feeling like a victim, need to release victimization mind patterns
video - reviewing life scenarios and experiences
violin - need to pay attention to a frequency, need to tune into a frequency
vitamin - boosting your energy, may pertain to diet
volcano - erupting emotions, anger
volunteer - selfless service to others
vomit - rejection of what you are learning about yourself
vulture - misfortune, taking advantage of others, waiting for punctuation on others mistake
waiter/waitress - bringer of a message (male = spiritual, female = ego mind), relying on others to bring you things
wagon - way of travel on your journey, the physical body, purposes in life
walking - the flow through life at an even pace
wallet - things you have to offer, things stored away for safe keeping
walls - constructs you build around you, barriers around you
war - inner conflict
wash - removal and cleansing of negativity
wasp - hostility, also see sting
water - life itself, your emotions
wave - over bearing emotions
wax - smooth situation, smooth transition
wedding - merging aspects of yourself together
well - deep inner thinking
west - left brain thinking
wheel - the circle of life you are in, the way you are going in your path
widow - loss of balance, loss of part of self
wind - changes in your life and relationships
window - outlook on life, looking outside of yourself
wire - path of energy, connection
wolf - family, family situations, how you work with others as a group
woman - ego mind, left brain, left side of body
wood - need of grounding, grounding
woods/forest - the unconscious mind, need to experience more nature, your mental state
wrestle - inner struggle with aspects of your personality
writing - taking down knowledge, manifesting knowledge
x-ray - exposing a problem, seeing past the physical, exposing all to see
yardstick - measuring your growth on your path
yoga - changing position in life, may refer to health and exercise, need to be more flexible in life
young - new start, reborn, invigorated, more energy
zebra - yes or no message, certainty of a message, seeing things in black or white
zipper - covering up a thought form, needing to stay silent