Gateway Publications

Gateway Publications is an independent publisher dedicated to exploring profound ideas within the realms of Esotericism and the Occult. With a commitment to providing accessible knowledge, we offer a range of titles in both Hardcover and Paperback formats. Our mission is to empower
seekers and practitioners alike with advanced insights and potent methodologies in the domain of Metaphysics and Esoteric Sciences

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We are excited to release the Royal Editions of Asaya Ka Luxa. These are the last editions to be made and are meticulously edited and redesigned. Available in both Paperback and Hardcover.

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Asaya Ka Luxa - Royal Edition - Paperback

Fully redesigned and edited.

Asaya Ka Luxa is a treatise on a cosmological viewpoint of the self and how to obtain a connection to one’s oversoul and Kryst conscious levels of one’s own soul personality.

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Asaya Ka Luxa - Royal Edition - Hardcover

Fully redesigned and edited.

Asaya Ka Luxa is a treatise on a cosmological viewpoint of the self and how to obtain a connection to one’s oversoul and Kryst conscious levels of one’s own soul personality.

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New Release - Now Available

Desert Meditations: Gnostic Cartography ( A Handbook of Agni Yoga) - By: Craig Williams

Desert Meditations: Gnostic Cartography (A Handbook of Agni Yoga)
outlines a kaleidoscopic vision of the Vedic fire deity Agni and the infinite revelations which lie hidden within the sacred Cosmic Flame. Revealing the human experience as a landscape wherein the Numinous is waiting to be uncovered, Yogacharya Sri Indra Ram-Das Aghori (Craig Williams) outlines methods which allow Eastern and Western gnostic streams to cross-pollinate and potentially transform human awareness.

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