The Law of One is the original spiritual 'Law' which states that all things are one and stem from the infinite mind of God. It asserts that all things are interconnected and that beyond the illusion of separation exists a central point of oneness.
There are 10 aspects of the Law of One, reflecting the 10 aspects of God shared in the book 'Asaya Ka Luxa' and reiterated here, as this information is crucial to understand.
These aspects are statements of the self, expressions of the Law of One, and reflections from the One source of creation — whether termed God, Allah, the Universal Mind, or by any other name. These statements can be read daily and used as a meditation to affirm the self, embedding them into your subconscious as affirmations. They set forth the first thoughts and intentions, guiding you to take the proper steps in life to align with your creation.
The Law of One, in essence, states: 'All the power and knowledge in the universe, both manifest and unmanifest, is here within the eternal now.'
These 10 aspects of the Law of One bear resemblance to the Kabbalah Tree of Life and mirror the 10 Sephiroth depicted on the tree, connected by the 22 pathways. These 22 pathways represent the 10 aspects and the 12 frequencies in the totality of the mind of God (10 + 12 = 22).
These 10 Laws reflect the 10 aspects of God and establish the self as an affirmative mind pattern on each of these levels. These statements bring your mind into the truth of self and alignment with the reality of the self as God. Through this, these affirmative decrees put forth the proper vibrational thought forms to deepen understanding and work with the teachings within these pages.
Reciting these daily and allowing them to become a meditation will anchor them as mental patterns into your subconscious, connecting you deeper to the truths of yourself.