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The Violet Gateway

Esoteric and Metaphysical teachings for a New Aeon

Nurturing the Body’s Natural Balance: A Guide to Holistic Cleansing and Restoration

04 Mar, 2025
Nurturing the Body’s Natural Balance: A Guide to Holistic Cleansing and Restoration

The human body, by its very design, possesses an innate drive towards achieving optimal health. However, our conscious minds often lack awareness of the most effective means by which we can nourish and sustain this health. When toxins accumulate in the body, it instinctively seeks to release them. This detoxification process can manifest in various forms, such as skin rashes, fatigue, irritability, discomfort after meals, brain fog, or physical pain. These signals should not be perceived as signs of weakness but rather as expressions of the body’s natural healing mechanism at work.

As the body attempts to expel toxins, symptoms such as dry or irritated skin, bad breath, bloating, excessive perspiration, and coughing may arise. These are indicators of the body's effort to cleanse itself. Unfortunately, the tendency in modern medicine is to suppress these symptoms—cough suppressants, antihistamines, and topical ointments are often used to mask these symptoms. However, this suppression merely drives toxins deeper within the body, postponing true healing.

Rather than impeding the natural release of toxins, it is far more beneficial to allow the body to expel waste through the available channels. During this cleansing process, you may encounter feelings of internal heat, which can trigger further symptoms like irritability, skin issues, and digestive distress. It is essential to remain hydrated during this time, as adequate water intake supports the kidneys and aids in cooling the body from within. While the detoxification process may feel uncomfortable, these “negative” symptoms are actually a sign of the body working to heal itself from the inside out.

Suppressing this natural detoxification process can lead to more serious conditions such as cysts, fibroids, or tumors. The key to healing lies in allowing the body to release these toxins in a safe, orderly manner—from the inside out. By respecting this process, we give the body the opportunity to restore itself to balance.

Understanding and Addressing Constipation

Constipation is not merely a physical ailment but a profound sign of energetic stagnation within the body. Energetically, constipation can reflect an inability to release toxins—whether these are physical waste, unresolved emotional issues, or mental blockages. While one bowel movement per day is often considered normal, this is rarely sufficient, particularly for those following the typical Western diet.

If you are consuming three meals a day yet having fewer than one bowel movement, it indicates a state of constipation. A protruding abdomen further suggests the need for cleansing. Moreover, if you are eating regularly but experiencing infrequent bowel movements, the presence of parasites may also be a concern. Parasitic infestations are more common than many realize, and they affect far more individuals than the typical “Third World” narrative suggests.

Parasites, including everything from microscopic bacteria to larger organisms like pinworms, tapeworms, and flukes, thrive in the warm, moist environment of the digestive tract. These organisms consume the nutrients from the foods we eat, but they also release toxins that circulate throughout our body, impairing our health.

The Parasite Cleanse

A comprehensive cleanse for parasites offers a powerful remedy for cleansing the body of parasitic organisms and their harmful byproducts. This formula combines a variety of potent herbs, including Artemisia absinthium and Artemisia annua, which target different areas of the intestines—A. absinthium is particularly effective for the large intestine, while A. annua addresses the small intestine. Other key ingredients include pumpkin seeds, black walnut hulls, turkey rhubarb, cascara sagrada, and freshly powdered cloves, all sourced from certified organic plants.

This cleanse works on a broad spectrum of parasites, addressing both visible and microscopic invaders. Even if you are not aware of any active parasitic infestations, undertaking a parasite cleanse can help clear the intestines of harmful waste, mucus, and toxins that impede overall health.

Creating the Right Environment for Healing

Parasites thrive in an environment created by poor dietary choices, including processed sugars, alcohol, fried foods, and dairy. Additionally, emotional stress—such as excessive worry—can deplete vital energy and promote the conditions necessary for parasites to flourish. You may unknowingly ingest parasite eggs through contaminated food, air, or soil. Pets, in particular, can increase the likelihood of parasitic exposure. Signs that you may be hosting parasites include cravings for sugary or unnatural substances, an expanded abdomen, or a tendency to eat raw or undercooked meats. In addition to feeding off the nutrients in your food, parasites release toxins that compromise your overall health.

The Gallbladder Cleanse

To complement the parasite cleanse, it is recommended to perform a gallbladder cleanse, designed to expel gallstones and support liver function. This cleanse involves the following ingredients:

  • 1 bottle of malic acid with magnesium tablets
  • 4 tablespoons of Epsom Salt
  • 2 cups of water
  • 1/2 cup of olive oil
  • 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed citrus juice (orange, lemon, or grapefruit)

For seven days, it is recommended to adjust your diet by focusing on salads, vegetables, and water while avoiding dairy, fried foods, and heavy meats. If necessary, small portions of light fish or organic chicken can be consumed.

Step-by-Step Instructions for the Gallbladder Cleanse:

Step 1:
For the first six days, take 1500 mg of malic acid with magnesium daily—one pill three times a day before meals. The malic acid helps soften any gallstones, and magnesium relaxes the body, easing the release of waste.

Step 2:
On the sixth day, avoid eating after 3 p.m. and begin fasting until lunchtime on the seventh day. On the evening of the sixth day, mix 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt in 1/2 cup of water and drink. Two hours later, drink another dose of Epsom salt dissolved in water. This helps to dilate the bile duct and prepares the body for the cleansing process.

Step 3:
Two hours after the second dose of Epsom salt, drink a mixture of 1/2 cup of high-quality olive oil and 1/2 cup of freshly squeezed citrus juice (lemon, orange, or grapefruit). This mixture should be well-shaken before consumption. Afterward, rest, allowing the cleansing process to take effect overnight.

Step 4:
On the seventh day, take another dose of Epsom salt dissolved in water in the morning, followed by a second dose two hours later. You will have taken a total of four tablespoons of Epsom salt. Some may prefer dissolving the salt in two cups of water, taking one-quarter of the mixture four times throughout the day.

It is crucial to stay near a bathroom on the seventh day, as the cleanse may trigger intense bowel movements. The goal of this cleanse is to flush out any gallstones or other debris from the liver and gallbladder, promoting a healthier digestive system.

Timing and Considerations:

It is particularly beneficial to begin the gallbladder cleanse around the time of the new moon, as the energy during this period aligns with the body’s natural rhythm for cleansing. If seven days is not feasible, the cleanse can be shortened to six days.

In conclusion, the journey toward holistic health requires patience, commitment, and a deep respect for the body’s natural processes. By supporting the body’s innate healing mechanisms, we allow it to restore balance and harmony, ultimately promoting expanded consciousness and vibrant health.