In the interplay of energies that govern human experience, one must understand the phenomenon of psychic attack. Such an attack may be defined as an external force or influence that disrupts or impacts the emotional and mental planes of an individual. This disturbance, by its very nature, cascades through the energy bodies, eventually manifesting in the physical form. The law of correspondences ensures that disturbances on the mental level affect the emotional body, and disturbances within the emotional plane eventually impose upon the physical body.
The dynamics of psychic attack are not limited to the unseen forces of the etheric realms but are often tied to tangible, physical interactions. Physical abuse, in particular, leaves deep psychic imprints upon its victims. The trauma experienced during acts of physical aggression—whether inflicted by violence, words, or actions—creates profound disturbances in the emotional and mental bodies. These wounds serve as conduits for psychic interference, as the energetic residue of the abuser lingers within the victim’s auric field.
When verbal aggression, such as bullying or emotional manipulation, is employed, the effect on the recipient is equally significant. Words, charged with intent, carry vibrations that penetrate the emotional body, instilling doubt, fear, or shame. In such cases, the recipient internalizes the projected energy, thus adopting the attacker’s thought forms. This transference is both subtle and profound, for it shapes the individual's emotional and mental responses, creating a psychic imprint.
A more insidious form of psychic attack arises within the realms of occult experimentation. Those who dabble in magic and ritual often wield such tools for personal gain or harm. The deliberate projection of destructive thought-forms or the execution of baneful rites serves as an example of the manipulation of subtle energies. While such practices require intent and skill, even untrained thoughts—laden with negativity—can reach their targets.
The interconnectedness of all minds ensures that thought forms, whether consciously or unconsciously created, traverse the energetic planes. When an individual directs malevolent thoughts toward another, a thread of energy is established between the sender and receiver. If the recipient is unprotected or unaware, this thread can siphon energy, creating waves of emotional instability and mental confusion. Conversely, the transmission of positive thought forms follows the same principle, demonstrating that intent determines the nature of the psychic exchange.
The ability to transmit thought at a distance—commonly referred to as telepathy—is a natural outgrowth of humanity’s shared mental plane. Instances where one thinks of another and receives contact shortly thereafter exemplify this universal truth. Such experiences underscore the potency of focused thought and its capacity to bridge the apparent barriers of space and time.
The study of these phenomena has long been a guarded subject within the mystery schools and occult orders. Knowledge of psychic influence, when wielded with intent, becomes a tool of both enlightenment and manipulation. History reveals instances where this knowledge has been exploited for control, particularly within governmental and military contexts.
One such example is the CIA's MK-Ultra program, and its lesser-known branch, MK Often. This covert operation explored the behavioral and psychic effects of drugs, delving into the realms of occult sciences. Ritualistic practices, psychedelics, and the influence of consciousness at a distance were studied with an intent that ranged from exploration to domination. The manipulation of thought and energy became an arena for experimentation, with practitioners of varied occult disciplines contributing to the research.
Such programs illustrate the lengths to which humanity has gone to understand and harness the power of the mind. From the study of psychedelics in shamanic traditions to the technological advancements of the Montauk Project, the pursuit of controlling and influencing consciousness has been relentless. These efforts highlight the reality that the mental plane is a battlefield as well as a domain of spiritual growth.
Beyond human interference, psychic attack can also originate from non-physical entities, including spirits, demonic forces, and other intelligences such as jinn or extraterrestrial beings. Such influences, when malevolent, can attach themselves to an individual’s energy body, disrupting their mental and emotional equilibrium. Demonic possession, for instance, represents a complete subjugation of the conscious self, wherein the entity overrides the individual’s will and assumes control.
These attachments often anchor themselves to the lower chakras—such as the root and solar plexus—exerting influence over the individual's identity, desires, and physical functions. More advanced entities may even manipulate the higher centers, such as the throat chakra, to communicate through their host. Whether willingly invited or forcibly imposed, these possessions wreak havoc upon the astral and etheric bodies, leaving lasting scars that require significant spiritual intervention to heal.
However, not all such integrations are negative. The merging with higher beings, known as “Merging,” represents an alignment of energies that elevates the individual’s consciousness. While this phenomenon resembles possession in structure, its purpose and outcome are fundamentally different, as it leads to enlightenment rather than degradation.
In all cases, psychic attack—whether subtle or overt—leaves an impact upon the energy body. Symptoms may include headaches, lethargy, emotional instability, nightmares, or a pervasive sense of unease. Awareness of these dynamics, coupled with intentional practices of protection and alignment, ensures that the individual remains a sovereign force within their own energetic field.
The understanding of psychic attack and its mechanisms is not merely a subject for occultists or mystics. It is a study of the interplay of energies that govern all of existence. By shedding light upon these truths, humanity moves closer to reclaiming its inherent power and aligning with the forces of light, love, and will.
EMF and Energetic Weapons
You inhabit a world deeply enmeshed in a web of unseen forces, some of which hinder the unfoldment of spiritual awareness, the refinement of health, and the broader realization of truth. These forces, invisible yet potent, operate both through intention and as byproducts of technological innovation. Many who have pioneered these advancements gave little thought to their energetic consequences, neglecting to provide safeguards against the electromagnetic and radiative disruptions their creations unleash. Both the physical and subtle realms must be acknowledged when considering the sanctity of the energy body and its fortification against intrusion.
The technological apparatus accessible to the public exerts but a fraction of the influence wielded by concealed mechanisms, whose reach extends far beyond the collective imagination. Indeed, the secret developments held within the armories of certain governments resemble the fabrications of science fiction, yet they exist as tools of psychological and spiritual subjugation. Such technologies, forged in the shadows, are an extension of experiments in control—experiments that have been long documented, even if their more profound implications remain veiled.
Among these arcane implements is a methodology known as "Voice to Skull" (VTS), a technique that imprints thoughts directly into the mind, bypassing the natural filters of discernment. It demonstrates the extent to which electromagnetic energies can disrupt the processes of cognition and belief. This invasive technology has been manipulated to inspire false revelations, fabricate divine instruction, and instill confusion within individuals. Its victims are often left disoriented, susceptible to influence, and, in extreme cases, compelled to enact deeds entirely at odds with their conscious intent.
The insights shared herein are illuminated by those who, through disciplined practice in remote viewing and astral projection, have glimpsed these hidden dynamics. However, the pursuit of such knowledge requires prudence and a robust spiritual constitution, for the forces thus revealed are neither benign nor passive. The evolving sophistication of these technologies advances with a pace and precision that demands vigilance. Their effects ripple across the mental and emotional planes, influencing the weak and unsuspecting with particular ease. Yet, those who cultivate inner strength and mastery over their thought life are far less susceptible to these incursions.
There exists a subset of humanity known as "targeted individuals," whose unique mental, emotional, or genetic profiles render them particularly vulnerable to these manipulations. These individuals often endure relentless assaults from technologies such as microwave transmissions, electromagnetic bombardments, and extremely low-frequency (ELF) waves. Each of these methods works to undermine the integrity of the energy body, sowing confusion, exhaustion, and, in some cases, physical illness.
Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emanate from the myriad devices that populate modern existence: computers, televisions, mobile phones, and even household appliances. Though seemingly innocuous, their constant radiation subtly disrupts the human energy field. Over time, the cumulative exposure stirs the cellular structure of the body, leading to maladies ranging from headaches to more profound disturbances of vitality. The electromagnetic body, a counterpart to the physical form, becomes susceptible to external influences when these energetic disturbances persist.
Imagine yourself within a bustling environment saturated with technological emissions, where the psychic disarray of countless individuals further amplifies the electromagnetic haze. This chaotic interplay of energies infiltrates the sensitive fields of the unguarded, manifesting as anxiety, fatigue, or unrest. The energy body, when unshielded, becomes a receiver for the unintentional projections of others and the deliberate transmissions of controlling forces.
The mastery of the energy body—its fortification and purification—is thus a critical defense against these incursions. By maintaining a conscious awareness of your mental and spiritual energy, you can transcend the influence of these frequencies. The energy body, aligned with its higher purpose, becomes impervious to external manipulation.
ELF waves, often transmitted via satellite or ground towers, serve as conduits for subliminal programming. Their long wavelengths penetrate the Earth’s curvature, impacting vast populations and altering collective emotional states. These frequencies are engineered to resonate with the subconscious mind, infiltrating its deepest layers and shaping conscious thought patterns imperceptibly. Governments, particularly those operating in secrecy, utilize these frequencies to perpetuate illusions and maintain the masses in a state of spiritual dormancy.
The pineal gland, stands at the center of this energetic battleground. This sacred organ, becomes a target for manipulative broadcasts that distort perception and implant false realities. Even the “messages” celebrated in certain spiritual circles must be scrutinized for their origins, as many are channeled through technologies that mimic telepathic communion while disseminating disinformation.
This is not a call to fear but a summons to discernment. The interplay of forces—both light and shadow—defines the evolutionary trajectory of humanity. The manipulation of these frequencies, though wielded for control, also provides an opportunity for awakening. Knowledge, rightly applied, becomes the sword of liberation.
The history of these technologies stretches back to ancient epochs, echoing the great conflicts of Atlantis and Lemuria, when the misuse of electromagnetic forces wrought cataclysmic consequences. Today, similar energies are harnessed, their potential for destruction matched only by their capacity for transformation. HAARP, a modern counterpart to these ancient devices, exemplifies this duality, offering both the promise of progress and the peril of devastation.
In the face of such complexities, awareness becomes a sacred act. By cultivating inner resilience, strengthening the energy body, and aligning with the higher spiritual will, humanity can transcend the influences that seek to limit its ascent. The path forward lies not in denial or avoidance but in the fearless embrace of truth and the steadfast commitment to the unfoldment of the soul.
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