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The Violet Gateway

Esoteric and Metaphysical teachings for a New Aeon

Alien and E.T. Phenomenon: Overlooked Characteristics

06 Aug, 2024

The general public in modern day see the UFO and Alien “phenomenon” as lights in the sky or a sighting of ships either stationed or landing in remote areas. Now various agencies and news programs are sharing information about sightings and the information the military and government have on it. There really is no doubt that public acknowledgment on a major consensus will soon happen within our life time. For those who have traveled down the rabbit hole of alien abduction experiences and MILABS (Military Abductions), the many telling stories of states of abduction where experimentation and breeding is also focused on. Some of these experiments being highly traumatic. Others may even have very positive and beautiful experiences which may happen during the abduction. For those who have either had their own experiences with Alien and ET intelligence or those who have researched the subject heavily will know that the experiences can vary, while others share eerie and rather frightening similarities within their descriptions in retelling of their memory.

All of this is really just the thin layer of a multi level reality which has been hidden away and kept secret from humans on this planet. Alien and ET influence upon this world is rather much more subtle. From experience and in depth research the physicality of these experiences are much rarer than one would imagine, although that does happen, its more widespread on an energetic level which we experience outside of physical reality. Where in most cases, these beings are existing. It is easier to understand these beings as inter-dimensional rather than external, coming from other dimensions right outside of ours.

In my personal experiences, many of these happened during sleep or deep states of meditation. If humans have the ability to utilize astral projection and energy techniques with their energy body, we would be naive to think that another being could not do the same, but also better. During my experiences and many others, it has shown that these beings have advanced abilities which include teleportation, invisibility, telepathy, shape shifting (sometimes) and abilities to view and move into probable realities and futures. More often than not without the use of a physical craft.

To explain how this works in better detail – these abilities and their location within the adjacent dimensions (that we do not see) they can be standing next to you whether awake or asleep and insert commands or information to you whether it be positive or negative, one could be looking over my shoulder also while I type this article. They can monitor your energetic field and also monitor what you are doing within your waking life. They can also do this on a large scale to see the larger networks of people and who they are adding leverage to to guide or destroy those groups (such as governments, military, religious organizations). Through technological and psychic means, they know what you think and feel about them and other things. The outside spectacle of ships and lights in the sky is surface level, and the deeper stuff is massively hidden from the public eyes. The process of energy harvesting happens to a large degree here and some of them will harness the energy of fear or sadness as an energetic source.

I am not saying that these beings have interest in just anyone and everyone, they will not be wasting their energy with people that may not have any awareness or consequence to them of their awareness. Some groups also just want to use certain genetics as their experiment. A major factor is the over all public awareness and perception. If you can control a whole population of their perception and beliefs you can control a lot of factors. When you become a threat to their agenda is when you will start to be noticed or if you are particularly useful to them for an agenda. The scarier part for most people is that this can be happening and be part of their life and they will never have it within their conscious memory due to memory overlays inserted into the conscious mind and subconscious mind of the experiencer. Many of these coming back into memory through hypnotic regression or even in states of meditation. The overall reach of their presence expands past sightings, contactees, whistle blowers, and abductees.

There are a few aspects of the experience and the reality of Aliens or ETs that are often not looked at enough.

1. Hyperspace / Hyper-dimensional

Hyperspace and the idea of hyper-dimensional existence is really about something being outside of our 3D or even 4D perspective. These hyper-dimensional planes explain that there are many dimensions that we do not see or experience but do tangibly exist. ETs are advanced and nonhuman, although some may seem bipedal, the human characteristics may not be there in many of them. Some of course may also look very human and Nordic in nature. The natural state of their existence is not bound by our linear framework of time or physical space requirements. Since they are outside of linear time as we know it, they can see all events past, future, and present and even the alternate reality timelines that may coincide with them.

When they choose to temporarily project their form into our physical world or physical universe they will often take the form according to what type of symbols and archetypes are in our unconsciousness that would best appear to their higher or in some instances just different dimensional energies. This does take away from them being from other planets and traveling on advanced spacecrafts to enter our or other planetary spheres, but that aspect of all of this is very basic, and I will pinpoint that the phenomenon and the typical experiences of them will most often happen in a hyperspace or hyper-dimensional state. This is why when we are dreaming and our energetic body is more aware, we may have experiences with such entities. It is closer in vibration to the natural state they exist within. This is also why when doing the work in my books, we are pushing into these higher 5th dimensional hyperspace gateways. Our higher energetic bodies exist there.

2. Mental Programming

In abduction experiences there are several levels which effect the mind and the emotions of the experiencer. Abduction experiences are more common than one would normally assume and this is because their subtle procedures that occur do not get enough attention or commonly researched. It is more so the UFO phenomenon and craft sightings that gain the attention that the abduction experience itself.

Its common to hear of medical testing and experimentation in the abduction experience but there are more layers which do not get attention. Some of these are physical, etheric, or astral body implants, telepathic relay for either persuasion or in some forms also in a positive nature, and mental programming through post hypnotic trance. The latter of this is used more by the negative agenda, and involves extracting someone from the physical plane or physical body and astrally programming their subconscious with functions that can be triggered at a later time or awakened to perform a function.

There is a lot of knowledge out there about MK Ultra and other mind control programs that have been active in government and military. These programs are very small in comparison to the alien/ET agenda and if you research those programs you will find strong similarities to the tactics.

Mental programming has many layers as stated before and this is very literal. Like an onion, the mind can peel back layers of memories and emotions attached to those memories. This leads us into the next section of memory layers and how memoric pathways can be utilized to program the mind.

3. Memoric Layers

In my experience I was very aware of these screen memories when they were inserted. Sometimes they seemed so unreal, yet real enough to believe them. This is common to discover when someone is regressing through meditation or hypnotic regression (methods not being much different). Screen memories are false memories layered upon the memory and recollection of the mind of the experiencer. This is something that can come in various layers and one screen memory may even lead to another to reveal even more. For example, one layer may be an owl outside your window staring through. It may look like an owl within the memory and vision, but in reality it was a mask and layer put upon the mind to erase the recollection of what it really was. Overall, even the abduction experience itself may be a screen memory and is a layer of what really happened. The deception goes so deep that most people will not embark on going past the 1st screen memory, and in some instances that first screen memory can me traumatic.

4. Human Involvement

Many of my personal experiences and many others I have talked to there was a level of human involvement within the experience meaning there were human like beings part of the experiences working next to other beings or with them. This is often found in the memories of the abductee who has been inside underground military bases or part of MILAB (military abduction) experiences.

I have also experienced positive human interaction during these experiences and others have too. But more often than not, many of these abduction programs focus on hybridization and mental programming. This human interaction can also be seen in the utilization of physic spies and assassins, remote viewers, and what is commonly referred to as sleeper agents or sleep cells.

In the positive experiences with the human personal, or what at sometimes seemed to be leaders of the personal the energy was very benevolent and they were not working with the negative groups. The human interactions and non human interactions in the positive side were rather enlightening and spiritual, as their philosophy and understanding differs from the negative groups.

5. Perceived Positivity and Negativity

When someone does not have any spiritual awareness it is easy to be controlled by the experience because in normal human awareness the mind likes to assert positive or negative characteristics upon human and even nonhuman forms. If we are considering these beings as being races, much like humans here, we know they have different social and moral standards than we would. As a human, there is a level of empathy and emotion that is connected to these standards and the different between right and wrong in universal terms. Humans generally display compassion, humility, and the desire for service. Much of this can be taken advantage of by something that may have negative motives and appear more positive and compassionate to create a deeper illusion. We find this with most spirits in spiritual workings, and it is always good to question the sources intentions and overall moral ground.

When we look at the positive ETs we will see that they have ascended that limitations that are still in our path, When you ascend to higher states of spirituality and serve creation, love, and truth you raise above the karmic lower density of those patterns of control. Positive ones value spirituality over anything physical but respect the free will given to others, just as they have. Typically these beings will guide subtly or connect telepathically but will not have the person become dependent on that connection for it.


Through my personal experiences, these key points are the most overlooked aspects of the what we term the abduction experience. To fully understand the picture and even the history of these visitations in all religions, these parts should be heavily researched and looked into. It is here we will find the hidden answers of the hows and whys of such an occurrence and give us a larger universal view of the agendas that play so closely to our reality here on Earth.