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The Violet Gateway

Esoteric and Metaphysical teachings for a New Aeon

Raising your Frequency: The Role of Affirmations as Mantras in Spiritual Ascension

23 Jul, 2024

In this article we will explore the deeper practice of using affirmations as mantras, which are powerful tools for spiritual ascension and transformation.

Affirmations, especially when used as mantras, are potent declarations that align our energy with our highest self and the higher aspects of God. A mantra is a sacred phrase or word repeated to aid in meditation and spiritual practice. When we use "I AM" affirmations as mantras, we harness the transformative power of words to reshape our reality and elevate our consciousness, programming our subconscious with positive statements of Self to reflect them internally and externally, or rather esoterically and exoterically.

In Christianity and stories of Jesus (Issa) (we will liken him as a master teacher), he often spoke in "I Am" statements. These statements asserted the anchor of his soul's essence. Even him saying, "I am the son of God," was affirming that his soul was a manifestation of God. These "I Am" statements are important to include within your ascension process as they shift the view and feelings of the self and align them into a higher nature. In the “I Am” statements found in the Gospel of John, there are seven main affirmative statements. These seven connect to the soul's aspects linked to each chakra, starting from the crown and moving downwards to the root center. Reflecting on these statements can provide great insight into these centers:

      • I am the Bread of Life (John 6:35)
      • I am the Light of the World (John 8:12)
      • I am the Door (John 10:9)
      • I am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11-14)
      • I am the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25)
      • I am the Way and the Truth and the Life (John 14:6)
      • I am the Vine (John 15:1-5)

In Hinduism and Tibetan Buddhism, various mantras are used to intone phrases or aspects of many deities and their qualities. This can stem from intoning letters and aligning with their magical properties or extending into phrases that align with the spirit or deity. In some regards, an invocation is only an affirmation of intent and request.

In Islam, the names of God and various phrases in the form of Zikr are practiced. Much like other mantras, these repetitive phrases and words vibrate internally and externally, tuning and aligning the inner and outer worlds. The 99 Names of Allah in Islam are the divine attributes of God.

With any mantra or affirmation, it is nothing when said mindlessly with no feeling behind it. You must place yourself into the feeling and reality of it being real. Even when intoning other mantras of other systems, it is important to feel it and connect to it on an energetic level, bringing it into your being.

"I Am" as an affirmative stance is an egoic stance of what and who your soul is. Because of this, it is recommended to always stay balanced and not get hung up on the ego aspects of hinging on them to the point that it creates negative energy within the energy body. This can happen if we are not doing the inner work to become the affirmative statements in mantras.

Because our thoughts are electromagnetic, what we think about ourselves and our world is internally and externally experienced. These pulses not only ripple inward but also outward into the world and affect your reality. Positive affirmative mantras raise the vibration of your mental and emotional bodies, suggesting to your subconscious mind to bring them to fruition.

Shared in this article are 10 powerful "I Am" statements that affirm the soul's essence in creation. Along with each statement is a decree of assertion that affirms the original statement.

1. I AM Infinite Awareness

I am the infinite awareness that transcends the physical realm. My consciousness expands beyond physical limitations, connecting me to the boundless universe and its eternal wisdom.

2. I AM the Embodiment of Peace

I am the embodiment of peace and tranquility. My mind is calm, my heart is serene, and my spirit is harmonized with the gentle flow of the cosmos.

3. I AM the Light in the Darkness

I am the light that shines in the darkness. My presence illuminates the path for myself and others, bringing light and clarity to every situation.

4. I AM a Vessel of Healing

I am a vessel of healing energy. My touch, words, and presence carry the power to heal and uplift those around me, restoring balance and harmony to this world.

5. I AM Transcending Limiting Beliefs

I am transcending all limiting beliefs. I release old patterns and embrace the limitless potential within me, soaring to new heights of understanding and ability.

6. I AM the Sacred Space Within

I am the sacred space within, a temple of divine presence. I honor my body, mind, and spirit, nurturing my inner sanctum with love and respect.

7. I AM the Creator of My Reality

I am the creator of my reality. My thoughts, intentions, and actions shape the world around me, and I consciously choose to manifest a life of joy, abundance, and purpose.

8. I AM Open to Divine Inspiration

I am open to divine inspiration. I welcome insights, ideas, and guidance from the higher realms, allowing them to flow through me and inspire my actions.

9. I AM a Mirror of God

I am a mirror of God. My life reflects the beauty, grace, and perfection of the higher realms, and I embody these qualities in all that I do.

10. I AM the Holy Temple

I am eternally connected to God, and in this body, I am a temple for my soul.

The Power of Repetition

Repetition is the key to the power of affirmations as mantras. By repeating these "I AM" statements regularly, you program your subconscious mind to align with their truth. This practice can be integrated into your daily routine, whether during meditation, as you wake up, or before you sleep.

When you repeat an affirmation, you are not just saying words; you are declaring a reality. Your thoughts and words have a vibrational frequency that resonates with the universe no matter what language you speak. It is the feeling and intent behind these words and thoughts that assist in their energy. By consistently affirming your divine nature and higher aspirations, you align yourself with those frequencies, drawing them into your life and aligning your energetic bodies to merge fields with your "Master," which is your internal teacher and guide.

Creating a Mantra Practice

  1. Choose Your Affirmations: Choose or create affirmations that resonate deeply with your soul's journey and current aspirations. State them and write them without any doubt or words and feelings that may indicate lack.

  2. Set a Sacred Space: Find a quiet, peaceful place where you can meditate and repeat your affirmations without distraction. This space should be the same as your ritual or meditation space that you may already have set up.

  3. Consistency is Key: Repeat your chosen affirmations daily. Consistency helps reinforce the new beliefs and patterns you are creating.

  4. Feel the Words: As you repeat each affirmation, feel its truth resonating within you. Visualize the affirmation becoming your reality.

  5. Integrate into Daily Life: Use these affirmations throughout your day. When challenges arise, repeat an affirmation to center and empower yourself.

  6. Write Them Down: Write them down in a journal. As we write and mentally state them, we instill the frequency into the physical world much like stating them vocally out loud.

As you continue to use these "I AM" affirmations as mantras, you will notice a profound transformation in your consciousness and reality. Your energy will align with higher frequencies, and you will begin to manifest the higher vibration qualities you affirm.

Remember, you are a powerful being, capable of creating and experiencing infinite beauty and joy. Embrace your journey with love, patience, and an open heart.