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The Violet Gateway

Esoteric and Metaphysical teachings for a New Aeon

Remote Viewing: Techniques for Enhanced Practice

30 Jul, 2024

Remote viewing (RV) is a practice that involves the ability to gather information about a distant or unseen target without the use of physical senses or direct interaction. Similar to Astral Projection, it is a psychic function where we move our awareness with our energetic body to a specific location or focal point. This is also an assemblage point of energy. Remote viewing is part of the process in the Frequency Scan Reading that is offered through The Violet Gateway. 

Remote viewing was popularized by the US government's Stargate Project in the 1970s and 80s, which aimed to investigate the potential of psychic phenomena for intelligence purposes. The Stargate Project, initiated by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and later overseen by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), involved numerous experiments and operational missions to explore the practical applications of remote viewing in gathering information and intelligence from intended targets. Some of these targets were non-localized and not part of what we would consider "earth."

This project included notable participants like Ingo Swann and Pat Price, who demonstrated some advanced remote viewing capabilities. The Stargate Project was formed in 1978 and established at Fort Meade, Maryland, to investigate the "potential" of psychic phenomena, including remote viewing, for intelligence gathering purposes. Although the program was officially terminated in 1995, it has now been moved to other advanced programs that are considered "black projects" or hidden from public knowledge. The participants have either been brought into other projects or discharged completely. Some have even become whistleblowers in their experiences in these advanced psychic projects.

These projects of research and application within the government span worldwide, and other countries have their own programs and research into this field. Remote viewing is an astral form of bi-location, and many monks and adepts of the inner mysteries agree that the projection of the energetic body is a real thing. One can just imagine how much research and application governing and military bodies would put into such abilities and to train proper people in doing so. With the use of technology, especially technology that was used in the Montauk Project in the 1980s, the advancement into psychic research and psychic operations has only been enhanced.

It is rather popular knowledge that British Intelligence and Nazi Germany had extensive research and interest in the occult. A simple look at "The Bell" from Nazi Germany will show just how deep they were into this research. Much of this is always kept hidden behind the scenes, and most outed as a conspiracy theorist talking about it. When the world is controlled by religion, it would be naive to think the governing bodies are not exploring the inner mysteries.

Remote viewing is not limited by time or space and allows access to information about the past, present, or future. This makes it a versatile tool for various applications, from personal development to professional problem-solving. Although there are objects and tools to enhance the projection of the energetic body while remote viewing, it is best to learn in a state of meditation to start tuning the mind and the energy body to deeper levels of viewing. The level of focus and observation plays a large role in one's ability to perform a successful operation of remote viewing.

Preparing for Remote Viewing

Before diving into advanced techniques, it's crucial to establish a solid foundation. Here are some fundamental steps to prepare for a remote viewing session:

Create a Quiet Space

Find a serene and comfortable environment free from distractions. This will help you achieve the focused state of mind required for remote viewing.

Set Your Intention

Clearly define your target and intention for the session. This could be a specific location, object, or event.

Relax and Meditate

Enter a relaxed state through meditation or deep breathing exercises. This helps quiet the mind and enhance your receptivity to subtle impressions.

Advanced Remote Viewing Techniques

Once you're comfortable with the basics, you can incorporate advanced techniques to improve your remote viewing accuracy and depth.

  1. Bilocation

Bilocation is the ability to mentally be in two places at once: your physical location and the target location. To practice bilocation:

  • Visualize the Target: After achieving a relaxed state, vividly visualize yourself at the target location. Engage all your senses to experience the environment as if you were physically present. Sense it through smell, feeling, touch, etc. Place yourself as if you were there.

  • Alternate Focus: Practice shifting your focus between your physical surroundings and the target location. This strengthens your ability to maintain dual awareness. This hinges your frequency back and forth between physical and non-physical. This is to strengthen the memory and anchor into the state of bilocation.

  1. Use of Ideograms

Ideograms are spontaneous, quick sketches that represent the essence of the target. This technique bypasses the analytical mind and taps into the subconscious. To use ideograms:

  • Immediate Response: As soon as you receive the target's coordinates, quickly draw the first shape or symbol that comes to mind without overthinking. This can also be colors or words. Keep writing what you are seeing or having come into your mind while focusing on the target.

  • Interpretation: Analyze the ideogram's shape, movement, and energy to gain insights into the target's characteristics.

  1. Use of "Sketch Points"

Sketch points are used when having paper and a pencil involved. Like automatic writing but intended to assist in remote viewing.

  • Immediate Response: As you are moving to the target mentally and you have made a connection, create a random symbol or sketch line that enters you into the state of observation. This sketch point may be different, or you may see similar patterns in a way you are able to anchor yourself easier into the state. From here you can enter a more focused state of using ideograms and is the start of the process.
  1. Sensory Enhancement

Enhancing your sensory perception can provide more detailed information about the target. Practice the following:

  • Visualization Exercises: Regularly practice visualizing objects and scenes in great detail, focusing on colors, textures, sounds, and smells. Start first with familiar surroundings such as your house and familiar objects. Try and hold these in your mind's eye as long as possible.

  • Sensation Simulation: Imagine touching, smelling, hearing, and tasting different elements at the target location. This hones your ability to receive multisensory impressions during a remote viewing session.

  1. Associative Remote Viewing (ARV)

ARV is a technique used to predict future events by associating them with known targets. This method is often used in applications like financial forecasting. To practice ARV:

  • Assign Targets: Assign a specific target (e.g., a photo or object) to represent each possible outcome of the future event.

  • Conduct Sessions: Perform remote viewing sessions for each assigned target, noting the impressions received.

  • Match Impressions: Compare your impressions with the known targets to determine which outcome they align with.

Tips for Successful Remote Viewing

  • Maintain an Open Mind: Approach remote viewing with an open and non-judgmental mindset. Allow impressions to flow naturally without filtering or interpreting them prematurely. The more we overthink the less we are connecting to the source of energy.

  • Record and Review: Keep a detailed journal of your remote viewing sessions. Review your notes to identify patterns, improve accuracy, and track your progress. Make note of colors, symbols, and even tones that you may hear.

  • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice is key to developing and refining your remote viewing skills. Dedicate time to regular sessions to build your proficiency. Treat it like a meditation practice and set aside time for your psychic development.

  • Stay Grounded: After a session, take time to ground yourself by engaging in physical activities, eating, or spending time in nature. This helps reintegrate your awareness into the present moment. You may also meditate and visualize yourself in brown to assist in grounding after any energetic practice.

Remote viewing is a profound practice that opens doors to new realms of perception and understanding. By incorporating these techniques and maintaining a disciplined approach, you can enhance your remote viewing abilities and uncover deeper layers of insight.